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edg3 FUND Nomination Form

Through our edg3 FUND small business competition, Kitsap Bank seeks to recognize local entrepreneurs and provide them with the "edg3" needed to help them take their businesses to the next level.  In addition to monetary prizes, we provide a platform for businesses to share their story and make connections with others who can contribute to success of their business.  The 2020 competition focuses on these main areas:

  • A "triple bottom line" business model.  The business is concerned with more than making a profit.  The business is guided by contributing to the community economically, socially AND environmentally.  
  • Innovation and Resiliency.  The business innovates - comes up with unique solutions, products and services to remain relevant, competitive, and focused on the long-term growth of the organization.  Faced with challenges, the business adapts and overcomes obstacles.  
  • A "#causegood" Commitment to Community.  The business is committed to making a difference in its community - giving back through volunteer work or monetary donations—to strengthen our community.  

edg3 FUND Prizes: 

  • edg3 FUND Award ($25,000 Prize) - commitment to the triple bottom line business model, contributing to the community economically, socially and environmentally. 
  • Innovation Award ($10,000 Prize) - demonstrated commitment to long term growth of the business through innovation and/or resiliency in the face of adversity.
  • #causegood Community Award ($5,000 Prize) - demonstrated commitment to giving back to the community.
  • Hometown Favorite Award ($5,000 Prize) - Selected by the public during online voting.

Please note, this is not a needs-based competition; recipients are selected based upon how well they meet the competition criteria.  Must be a for-profit business based in Western Washington.  All businesses must comply with federal and state laws.  Entities that are tax-exempt organizations, non-profits, or charitable trusts are not eligible to participate.

Your Information

Information About The Business You Are Nominating

Note, nominated businesses will be contacted to submit an edg3 FUND application, where they will be asked to provide additional information about their business.  Businesses must submit an application in order to proceed with the edg3 FUND competition.