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2020 edg3 FUND Official Application

You will receive a confirmation when your application has been successfully submitted.  If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us at
Only one entry per individual or business. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
  1. Alignment With Mission: The company's ability to meet the edg3 FUND mission of growing our community economically, socially and environmentally.
  2. Impact: $25,000 would make a significant difference to the applicant's business.
  3. Viability: The company has a clear vision for the future, and the foreseeable future for the business looks promising.
  4. Innovation and Resiliency: The company is innovative - comes up with unique solutions, products and services to remain relevant, competitive, and focused on the long-term growth of the organization. Faced with challenges, the business adapts and overcomes obstacles.
  5. A "#causegood" Commitment to Community: The business is committed to making a difference in its community - giving back through volunteer work or monetary donations - to strengthen our community.

Please note, this is not a needs-based competition; recipients are selected based upon how well they meet the competition criteria. Must be a for-profit business based in Western Washington. All businesses must comply with federal and state laws. Entities that are tax-exempt organizations, non-profits, or charitable trusts are not eligible to participate.

Contact Information


Business Information

Tell us a little more about your business. (Responses may be shared on Kitsap Bank's website/social media during the voting process.)

This description will be used for the public voting and on the Kitsap Bank website.

Including sweat equity and direct investments. Has your business been a recipient of other grants or small business awards?

A video is optional. If you would like to include a short video (no longer than 3 minutes) for the judges to review with your submission, please include the URL below. Videos can be as simple as a video made on a phone/handheld device.

Attach a photo showcasing your business. Photo will be used on Kitsap Bank's website during the public vote. (only JPG and PNG images are allowed)

We recommend that you copy and paste the answers to your application questions into a Word document for your reference later. You will not be able to make changes to your application once you submit.